Friday, May 7, 2010

Lake Eyre & William Creek

With Lake Eyre filling to it's fullest since 74 we decided it was a great once in a lifetime MUST-
A flight over the lake. AWESOME.........................Says CASS
We booked an hour flight and ended up with a bonus hour over the painted hills on Anna Creek station too.
The flight over the lake was breathtaking, lots of colours and changing faces of the lake. Salty drifts, mud flows, murky green bits and clear blue water as far as the eye could see. We flew over the southern third of the lake and it would have taken another 40 minutes to get to the top of the lake... MASSIVE......
William creek was a blast too. Not much but a pub and some space junk!!!!!!! Meophy and Zomury enjoyed sitting up at the bar with a beer (ginger).

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